Monday, December 28, 2015

IPhone Tips That You Could Use Easily

You can rest assured that your iPhone has been skillfully programmed and designed. It includes an easy-to-use app system and interface. Not surprisingly, a wealth of hidden features can increase your iPhone's capabilities. The piece that follows offers great ideas for making your iPhone even more fantastic.

Remember to download updates on your phone whenever they become available. Updates to your phone protect your phone and should be installed as soon as possible. This makes sure that any photos or important information are stored on your system in case something goes wrong with your phone.

Lower your iPhone's brightness to save your battery. You can accomplish this in your iPhone's settings area. It will help extend the battery life for the days you need to have your iPhone on for long hours.

The Siri app will now allow you to set reminders based on location. You can tell Siri to remind you to do something at a specific time. You can say "Siri, remind me to call work when I get home." This adds another layer of customization to your iPhone. Now the phone will be able to detect when you're at home instead of relying on the time. This is a great way for you to set reminders during the course of the day.

When using Safari, make calls with a single tap. If you are searching for a dry cleaner, you can simply click the number. When you find a number, you don't have to go back to the phone menu to call. Simply tap the number you see on the screen and instantly it dials the business you are trying to connect to.

If you go to a website over and over again, turn the site into an app on your iPhone. Begin by visiting a website in your iPhone's browser. Once you are on the website, just hit the "Go" button. Doing this will allow you to add the site onto the home screen. Also, you have the ability now to rename it as a unique application.

Add efficiency to messaging by using this technique. If you prefer not to insert the word suggested by the dictionary while texting, tap your finger anywhere on your iPhone's screen; this dismisses the suggestion. You do not have to click on the x displayed next to the word to dismiss it.

To get your messages, tag email accounts on the iPhone. That is critical, so you can receive notifications instantly when you get messages, and can view them right on your phone. You can tag just about any account to your iPhone.

Depending on the layout of the page, one or two fingers could allow you to navigate through different parts of the page. If there are different windows on a webpage, scroll with one finger to look through separate windows with ease. Use two finger if you need to scroll the whole page.

The iPhone is an extremely sophisticated device. With a great look, a great feel and so many options, iPhones are a phenomenon. When you apply the knowledge you have learned here, you can begin to tap into your iPhone's full potential.

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